Covid-19 Karnataka helpline 104!
State helpline numbers and Ministry of Health
Swarna Prashana & Immunity boosting

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of questions you may have or asked by our patients

Pranav Ayur is registered name of our hospitals based in Bengaluru, and is a multi-specialty integrated clinical practice specializing in treating patients.
We offer, Ayurvedic and Allopathic treatments, and alos we have Pharmacy nad lab services.
We offer Ayurvedic and we also trear Allopathy as alternative medicine.
No. But we recommend to take prior appointment through our website consultation form or you call us to book appointment to serv you better.
No. But we recommend to take prior appointment through our website consultation form or you call us to book appointment to serv you better.
Yes. We take consultation online/Gigitally via Video, Voice, caht and email, and it shuld be noted some specialties and diseases needs to treat inperson.
This option can also be specially worked out for customers who find it difficult to visit/stay at PranavAyur.
Ayurveda means “The Science of Life.” Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.” It stems from the ancient Vedic culture and was taught for many thousands of years in an oral tradition from accomplished masters to their disciples. Some of this knowledge was set to print a few thousand years ago, but much of it is inaccessible. The principles of many of the natural healing systems now familiar in the West have their roots in Ayurveda, including Homeopathy and Polarity Therapy.
The basic difference between Ayurveda and Western allopathic medicine is important to understand. Western allopathic medicine currently tends to focus on symptomatology and disease, and primarily uses drugs and surgery to rid the body of pathogens or diseased tissue. Many lives have been saved by this approach. In fact, surgery is encompassed by Ayurveda. However, drugs, because of their toxicity, often weaken the body. Ayurveda does not focus on disease. Rather, Ayurveda maintains that all life must be supported by energy in balance. When there is minimal stress and the flow of energy within a person is balanced, the body’s natural defense systems will be strong and can more easily defend against disease.

It must be emphasized that Ayurveda is not a substitute for Western allopathic medicine. There are many instances when the disease process and acute conditions can best be treated with drugs or surgery. Ayurveda can be used in conjunction with Western medicine to make a person stronger and less likely to be afflicted with disease and/or to rebuild the body after being treated with drugs or surgery..