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Diet and Lifestyle

The Ayurvedic diet is a meal plan based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, which elaborates the specific diet and Lifestyle for each individual and diseases.

Diet and Lifestyle Overview

As per Ayurveda, There are three different doshas that derive from five different elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth. Each element provides different qualities or attributes.

  • Vata (space and air): Vatas are often described as creative, intense, or expressive. Attributes include dry, light, cold, and rough.
  • Pitta (fire and water): Pittas are often described as intelligent, joyful, and driven. Attributes include sharp, hot, liquid, and mobile.
  • Kapha (earth and water): Kaphas are often described as calm, loving, or lethargic. Attributes include moist, heavy, soft, and static.

Although the Ayurvedic diet has specific guidelines for each dosha, the diet as a whole encourages eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and honey, ghee, milk, buttermilk. Ayurveda encourages judicious use of turmeric, fenugreek, cumin, sinnamon, cardamon and black pepper, ajwain, cloves, garlic, and onion in various health issues and also in healthy people to prevent certain diseases. This can benefit your health greatly, as these foods are rich in many essential nutrients and have great medicinal values.

When you follow an Ayurvedic diet, you'll incorporate various practices into your eating routine. These practices help you to benefit from the different qualities of food.

Lifestyle implies not only the right time and type of food intake but also and more importantly about, how a person is engaged throughout the day and what is the proper sleeping habit, this also includes keeping one's practice for his/her mental well being.

At Pranav Ayur, we do a complete analysis of your body type, your diet, and lifestyle, and the possible risk of certain disease conditions and causes of existing health issues if any. We will give a detailed plan of individualized diet and lifestyle. This helps not only to address the existing health issues but also to prevent certain disease conditions and promote your health.

Our Team

Our Diet and Lifestyle Experts

Dr. Trupti Anandnath
Wellness & Diet